CRM Commodity offers real-time analysis of position, risk, profit/loss and sensitivity related to commodity management.

CRM Commodity 

CRM Commodity offers a fully integrated system for managing commodity instruments in a multi-currency and multi-user environment. The system is designed to meet the treasury department’s needs for real-time analysis of position, risk, profit/loss and sensitivity related to commodity management.
CRM Commodity can be used as a separate commodity management system or integrated with CRM Finance Base module in order to handle your company’s total financial risks in Commodity, FX and Money Markets.

Deal input

CRM Commodity supports commodity transactions in the commodity markets for precious metals, oil, gasoil etc. The system supports the transaction cycle from start to maturity with all flows and functions related to the transaction. Deal input screens are designed to allow fast and efficient input with on-screen calculations and data capture.

Middle Office functionality 

The middle office section contains a Report Manager especially designed for commodity management. The system is delivered with a number of predefined sample reports which are easily adjusted by the user according to preferences. The Report Manager is built around CRMs highly innovative portfolio management technique which allows maximum flexibility in data selection when generating reports.